About Me

I am Rachel Ann Schoenbauer and I publish under R. Schoenbauer. I am currently Editorial Director for Pandamoon Publishing and have been with them since mid-2015. I also rarely perform developmental editing as a freelancer, though my schedule is limited.

As a graduate with a dual degree from the University of Colorado, Boulder, I have a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, a Bachelor of the Arts in Theatre, and a certificate in Technology, Arts, and Media. After gravitating towards Stage Management prior to graduation, I went on after college to become a QA engineer before ultimately shifting my focus to editing. I like to explain the shift as instead of debugging programs, I now debug manuscripts. (And, always a Stage Manager, I enjoy helping usher completed creative projects through their processes to awaiting audiences.)

My primary loves are science fiction and fantasy. I’ve read voraciously and insatiably since I was small, and I’m always finding tiny unexplored corners of my favorite genres that I itch to fill with stories of my own. Adding to that my perennial interest in game writing and design, and you have a snapshot of my personal projects in the works.

I can be found on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook.

(Updated: March 14th, 2023)